A piece done for the cover of the 2010 Directory of Illustration brochure. This year's brochure theme was "Perfect Chemistry." The large gold central atom was meant to be cut out to reveal the 28 on the next page, or for the 28 to be printed 0vertop with some sort of special ink. You might notice the composition is somewhat odd because the right half will be the front cover and the left half will be the back cover.
This was a lot of fun to do. The challenging part was getting the lighting to feel believable even though it's coming from everywhere.


Beautiful! I saw your work in Imagine FX and I was like "I know who that is!
Wow, each work seems better than previous.
Jeremy, for this do you use some reference? Photos? Your digital work is so sublime than the traditional, but I prefer the last because I love the "human error".
Thanks for show us this.
P. S.: Any step by step? :D
A W E S O M E piece Jeremy ! ! !
So, are they molecule-sized? And why are they just floating around like that? Are they blue because they're dead? Is that why their eyes are closed? Or is there some really good music coming from inside that sphere?
Sorry Jeremy, but this piece just doesn't make any sense. U crazy.
Hey pal, I'm pretty much used to your baloney by now, but this is really something special. Really stellar image.
very cool... the lighting looks amazing. (by the way, my word verification on this comment was "tarders".. which is pretty hilarious)
great piece. the feet are done super well!
One of my favorites of yours - very, very nice
Thanks so much guys!
Mclean, you always make me realize the error of my ways. I thank you.
Just wonderful, Jeremy. I love seeing the new work.
Thanks again for coming to the class. I can't tell you how much the students learn from you each time. They all want to jump right into painting after seeing you (and I do, too).
Looks so cool. You. ROCK!
you are plain genius. i am speechless. i am so proud that you're a Filipino. i'm fucking teary eyed right now. your works are so more than beautiful.
HEY! Yer awesome! Yeah... I totally agree the lighting doesn't feel believable... instead it feel UNBELIEVABLE! :D Awesome work as usual man. Always love seeing what yer up too. I'm gonna be in B-more on the 28th to nov 1st. We should meet up if you got time.
Absolutely astonishing work!
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