A small piece I did to promote an upcoming group show at the Nucleus Gallery in LA. The show is a tribute to the horror writer, H.P. Lovecraft. Cthulu is Lovecraft's most well known character, and I thought he would be the perfect iconic image to introduce the show. Apart from this, I will be doing another, more substantial piece for the show as well. More details
acrylic on paper, 11 x 14

progress shots

Really exciting, man. Can't wait to see your actual piece for the show.
There's sort of an intimate little moment between the Cthulu tentacle/whisker and the shark. Weird. ;}
Hey, you were a visiting artist for Kali's Dig. as ill. class last school year for our midsummer night's dream project; wow! This is amazing! I can't wait to be as good as you, (hopefully in the near future)! Keep up the great work!
P.s. - Loving the shark.
Yo, I am so psyched to see your full final for this show. I am too psyched. To psyched to be allowed.
One of my new favorites. I almost drowned looking at this.
Wow, this is killer
Damn, dude. Love the mood of the piece. Reminds me of Lovecraft's penchant for making what you don't see more terrifying than what you do.
great piece!
Yes, dude. Great one. Love how you made it soooo dark with the acrylics. Show?
Too bad i can't join because i'm stuck in boring Holland where nothing spectaculars happens.
Agree with MGLDyson above. Was talking with my wife recently about how Cthulhu is so overexposed that he's impossible to make scary anymore. This piece proves me wrong.
Hey man! You owe me an e-mail about the acrylics, drop me some lines someday! ;>)
AWESOME piece, can't wait to see the new ways ahead of you!
Simply gorgeus!
awesome, great use of darkness without it being too overbearing.
Superb. I doubt I will ever see a better depiction of Cthulu than this.
Woah that is amazing work!!
Great image Jeremy! The composition is awesome and the handling of the subtle light source is very cool.
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